Language Strings Configuration
If you want to change some language strings and need help contact us on our Discord!
Maybe someday someone will write this part of the documentation.
Language: EN
'#1': Please always use given variables! You can recognize them by looking for with
percentages surrounded words
START_MESSAGE: <prefix> <green>Plugin is starting!
START_COMPLETED_MESSAGE: <prefix> <dark_green>Plugin has started successfully!
STOP_MESSAGE: <prefix> <red>Plugin is getting stopped!
STOP_COMPLETED_MESSAGE: <prefix> <dark_red>Plugin got stopped!
PLUGIN_UP_TO_DATE: <prefix> <white>The Plugin has no Updates available!
PLUGIN_UPDATE_AVAILABLE: <prefix> <yellow>The Plugin Version <newversion> is now available.
The Server is using <oldversion>. Download the newest version here <link>
PLAYER_PLUGIN_UPDATE_AVAILABLE: '<prefix> <white>Update available:<newline><yellow>Running
Version: <gray><oldVersion><newline><yellow>Newest Version: <gray><newVersion><newline><yellow>Download:
MODULE_MULTIMINE_ADD_BLOCK: <white>The block <yellow><block> <white>was added to the
MultiMine list!
MODULE_MULTIMINE_REMOVE_BLOCK: <white>The block <yellow><block> <white>was removed
from the MultiMine list!
MODULE_MULTIMINE_ADD_MULTIPLE: '<white>The following blocks were added to the MultiMine
list: <newline><yellow><blocks>'
MODULE_MULTIMINE_REMOVE_MULTIPLE: '<white>The following blocks were removed from the
MultiMine list: <newline><yellow><blocks>'
MODULE_MULTIMINE_NO_BLOCK: <white>No block was specified!
MODULE_MULTIMINE_NO_BLOCK_IN_HAND: <white>No block was found in your hand!
MODULE_MULTIMINE_NO_CONTAINER_IN_HAND: <white>No container was found in your hand!
MODULE_MULTIMINE_MULTIPLE_CONSOLE: <white>Multiple blocks can't be added via console!
MODULE_MULTIMINE_BLOCK_ALREADY_IN_LIST: <white>The block <yellow><block> <white>is
already in the list!
MODULE_MULTIMINE_BLOCK_NOT_IN_LIST: <white>The block <yellow><block> <white>is not
in the list!